When: Mar 26, 2022 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Topic: SPSW & Lourdes/All Hallows Parish Lenten Retreat 2022
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Cuando: Mar 26, 2022 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Tema: SPSW & Lourdes/All Hallows Retiro de Cuaresma 2022
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Passcode: 672242
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Passcode: 672242
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We at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish are called and sent by Christ to live gratefully the life God has given us in our multicultural community.
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Office
(415) 285-3377
1715 Oakdale Ave
San Francisco, CA 94124
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
410 Hawes St
San Francisco, CA 94124
All Hallows Chapel
1440 Newhall Ave
San Francisco, CA 94124