Dear Our Lady of Lourdes/All Hallows family,
As we begin this great week that changed the course of history with Palm Sunday, we remember both Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, as well as His Sacred Passion.
As we listen to these accounts today, we know that these are historical events that happened in physical locations, which are revered today. Jesus walked this earth, just like us. Jesus Christ truly lived, truly suffered, and truly died in the city of Jerusalem. He entered His Passion so that we could be forgiven of our sins and in order to teach us the lessons of His love. His arms are extended for the love of us. His Heart is open for us.
Let us reflect on our relationship with Jesus, our love for him in appreciation for all He went through for us. Let us extend that love to one another in walking for peace and unity of our Lady of Lourdes/All Hallows family, in our firm commitment to stewardship.
We can follow Jesus’ perfect example by patiently enduring our own suffering, uniting it with His, offering it for love of Him who died for us. Greatly to be loved is He who loved us so greatly.
May this Holy Week bring us closer to our Beloved Our Lady of Lourdes/All Hallows family, loved ones and the needy in our society as we walk with Him on the Way of the Cross.
Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, OSA
We at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish are called and sent by Christ to live gratefully the life God has given us in our multicultural community.
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Office
(415) 285-3377
1715 Oakdale Ave
San Francisco, CA 94124
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
410 Hawes St
San Francisco, CA 94124
All Hallows Chapel
1440 Newhall Ave
San Francisco, CA 94124