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Dear Our Lady of Lourdes/ All Hallows Parish Community,


Alleluia, Christ is risen, let the whole world be filled with His glory! As St Augustine would say, we are Easter people and Alleluia is our song. Let our Alleluia resound like never before. The message of Easter is one of hope restored and joy rekindled in the midst of a challenging world. Let the hope and joy be heard by all because death has been defected. Christ victory over death is the light we proclaim.


As Easter people, we are proclaiming Christ’s ultimate victory of light over darkness, grace over sin, and life over death. This is the message we build our lives and to which we anchor our own hope of victory with him. During this Easter season we joyfully give thanks to God for the many blessings bestowed on us as individuals and as a parish community.


Because Jesus has died and risen again, conquering sin and death, we believe that with him we too shall live and conquer the challenges of live. Like we sing “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone; because I know He holds my future, and live is worth the living just because He lives”. Yes because He lives the story has changed.


On behalf of Fr. Chinonso, Fr. Bart, Sr. Eva, the Parish Staff, Parish Council & Finance Council, I wish to thank you all for participating in our Holy week and Easter Triduum celebrations. Your presence meant a lot to us.


Special thanks to all those who donated flowers and decorated the Altars of our two Church locations, the Altar Society, Lourdes Choir, Men Choir, the Samoan choir, Spanish Choir, Lectors, Servers, Livestream team, Greeters, Ushers, Catechist who instructed our candidates, and the various individuals that assisted in planning, coordinating, and arranging the Church and our liturgies.


May God bless and reward you for you service and stewardship. In this spirit of our faith renewed, hope restored, and joy rekindled I wish you and your families a most holy and blessed Easter Season! Happy Easter


Fr. Andrew Ibegbulem, OSA


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